Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What solopreneurs can learn from the Butterfly Marketing Manuscript, Part 1

The Butterfly Marketing Phenomenon is well known in the internet marketing space. Not so in the "regular" marketing world, but there are a lot of valuable lessons in the Butterfly Marketing Manuscript for those of us who operate "real" businesses, even those who hold our noses when forced to witness the hysterical hype filled squeeze pages produced by internet marketing types.

I have been curious about "internet marketing" all along, and include a number of newsletters from the gurus of "IM" in my regular reading - partly to see if there might be wisdom to tease out and apply in my own marketing efforts, partly out of fascination - like watching a really slick and slimy used car salesman at work - irresistible.

When I came across it in 2006, the Butterfly Marketing Manuscript stood out for a few reasons, and I'll mention a few in a moment, but one visit to the sales page cured me of my curiosity for years. The level of hype and heavy handed psychological pressure made me dismiss it completely. The tricks the creator of the page used to slide the prospect down the slippery slide to the order button simply made my BS detector light up like a box of fireworks.

Now, recently, I happened to get a chance to check out the Butterfly Marketing Manuscript. I expected the same sort of bunk and hype as the sales page indicated to me: a cleverly packaged screed formulated to appear valuable to its buyer for the minimum of effort by its seller.

I was surprised to find some real meat in there. Butterfly steaks, you might say.

Next post, I'll go into details about the two types of lessons we in real world marketing can take from this bible of internet marketing. One is the actual content and strategies outlined in the manuscript. The other is the packaging, presentation and sales of the product itself.

In the meantime, you can now pick up a copy for yourself here. At $47 it is half the price it was originally launched at, and is now sold through an army of resellers. Think of it as a study aid. You can refer to it page by page as I go through pulling out the good stuff, and who knows, maybe you can get an internet marketing operation off the ground with its surprisingly well thought out tactics.

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